

The appointed W.M.O. Association, Inc. committee members assist Board members by addressing specific community issues and tasks, serving as an advisory role for the benefit of the community.

Real Estate

A Member, prior to the commencement of any work involved in the construction or erection of any permitted improvement upon any parcel of land, within Windham Mountain Owners Association (WMOA) acquired by such Member shall deliver to WMOA the following for its approval.

The Real Estate Committee is responsible to decide which documents are required and to ensuring that they are reviewed and approved before construction can begin:

  1. an architect’s drawings, which shall include the architect’s representation as to the size of the lot and the square footage of living space that has been designed for in the drawings (floor plans, exterior finish materials & colors, etc.);
  2. site and foundation plan (elevations with detailed property lines, easements, location of parking, landscaping, erosion control, drainage plans, etc.);
  3. foundation plans and specifications showing footings, foundation, frost wall (piling, pile caps, and grade beams, if any), fill and rough grading if any;
  4. full and detailed working drawings, plans, and specifications for the construction and erection of the contemplated improvement, which shall include plans and specifications showing all subterranean utility lines (water, sewer, electronic, telephone and television, if any) from the building line to the main subterranean conduits;
  5. a tree inventory (those to be cut down identified & marked, those to be replaced, etc.);
  6. notification to WMOA Treasurer that an invoice for payment to WMOA for architectural plan review, extensions, gazebos, shed, road impact fees, etc. must be sent to the homeowner;
  7. ensure that Windham Mountain creates a notice to all neighbors whose land abuts the Member’s lot, such notice indicating the intended improvement or change and if WMOA determines that any neighbors should see the plans in their entirety, then WMOA shall notify the Member of this determination and the Member shall promptly send copies of all the materials submitted to WMOA above to the neighbors designated by WMOA.


The purpose of this committee is to interact with the Mountain personnel and develop ongoing meetings to review the health and welfare associated with maintaining our roads.

  1. Review of current condition of roads, culverts, drain pipes, and ensure that Mountain is properly maintaining and cleaning the roads
  2. Identify and notify mountain of deteriorating and dangerous road conditions
  3. Review of long term road strategy with Mountain
  4. Review of agreements mountain has in place with construction companies
  5. Review of road construction and maintenance budget for the year
    • Cost of materials
    • Hourly rate of construction company labor
    • Cost of equipment usage (plows, sander and dump trucks, backhoes, frontend loaders, etc.)
    • Surcharges (15%) applied by mountain appropriately
  6. Review of projects scheduled for the year
  7. Review of materials that are planned to be used in the repair/maintenance process
    • Asphalt
    • Salt
    • Sand
    • Concrete
  8. Review of any engineering studies completed that are recommending improvements, repairs, and a process. Ensure that if an engineering recommendation is agreed to, and that the mountain completes the project as recommended and with no shortcuts.


The WMOA Audit Function consists of reviewing monthly financial statements generated by Windham Mountain Accounting Department; monitoring budgets versus paid invoices and questioning the accuracy of expenditures at will. Specifically, the WMOA balance sheets highlight data generated from maintenance of our roads, water, and sewer; plowing and security, as well as labor and payroll associated with these tasks.


The Nominating Committee has the responsibility to interview and vet potential members of the WMOA. To participate on the Board the member must be a homeowner on Windham Mountain, that is a participating dues paying member. The Chair of this committee is typically the most recently retired president of the WMOA. In addition to interviewing a potential Board Member based on character and past life history, they should determine if there are any skills that the WMOA can take advantage of. For instance, do they have any engineering background which would be ideal to help either the Road and Maintenance Committee or Real Estate Committees? Accounting background helps with Budgets and Audits and IT background can help with our Website or the creation of special electronic reports. New Board Members are voted onto the Board at the Annual Member Meeting scheduled each year on the 3rd Saturday of January.

Class of

Definition: The term that a Board Member serves is referred to as the class of! It is a two year term. Each Board Member can renew their term on their anniversary date during the Home Owners annual meeting in January of each year. They must be re-elected to their position by the Board. In addition new Board Members will be nominated and elected after the vetting process is complete.

Class of 2021

Class of 2022

Class of 2023

Class of 2024