Windham Mountain Owners Association (WMOA)
Annual Member Meeting Agenda
January 21, 2023
Zoom Meeting 3PM
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1. Reading of last year’s minutes

2. Windham Mountain Update (Chip Seaman, Kevin Kennedy)
a. Water Outages, Supply, and Issues
i. Engineering Study
ii. Free Review of lines at Alpine Homes
iii. Reservoir drainage alarms
b. Road Work Paving and Drainage
c. Tree Removal 40+ Trees
d. Mountain Accomplishments (Alpine Ski Operations)
e. Ski Slope Access Signs
f. Upper Wipeout Lots
g. Future Plans for the Mountain
h. Questions for the Mountain:
i. What should we expect over the next several years in terms of further capital investment and improvements    at the Mountain? What are the priorities for new investment?
ii. What type of structured feedback or surveys have you thought about using to gauge the WHOA member    satisfaction with current Mountain service levels and responsiveness of services offered and provided?
iii. Is there a “catalog” of standard and optional services provided by the mountain staff with costs etc.?
iv. What’s the current ownership structure of the Mountain and are there any potential changes being contemplated over the next few years?
v. I was hoping that the homeowners association might come up with a plan to remove a car which has been sitting on Winter Close for about 3 years. There is no one living in the house at this time.
vi. The mountain is aware of the blight we are experiencing with our trees. Many homeowners have trees that are infested with Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, and will eventually die. Treatment is very expensive and unreliable. What plan does the mountain have in place, or plans to put in place, to address this issue efficiently and cost effectively?

3. Treasurers Report (John P. Lane)
Windham Mountain Owners Association
Treasurer’s Report- December 31, 2022
Cash balance at January 1, 2022:
Dues account $207,641.46
Capital Improvement account $333,100.12
Total Cash at January 1, 2022 $540,741.58
Cash Receipts:
Homeowner dues $31,650.00
Capital improvement fees $22,919.00
Interest $200.00
Total cash receipts $54,769.00
Cash Disbursements:
Roads and drainage $54,569.00
Insurance $12,865.43
Legal $4352.50
WMOA Website $718.14
Windham Fire Dept. donation $2,500.00
Total cash disbursements $75,005.07
Cash balance at December 31, 2022:
Dues account $218,855.39
Capital Improvement account $301,650.12
Total Cash at December 31, 2022 $520,505.51

4. Reading of reports of officers and committees, 2022 Successes
a. Road Committee (Vincent Angiolillo)
b. Real Estate Committee ( Nick Pera)
c. Audit Function (Britta Garcia)
d. WMOA Website (Member Directory) Charles Presti)

 5. Review of open items:
a. There was a rash of skiers trespassing on private property to access the slopes. This happened often on Pond Lane, and Winter Close. The mountain was to create new signs that to be installed identifying entrances to the slopes. They were also to install no trespassing signs for the home owners that are having the issues, this still needs to be completed.

6. Website Review
a. Manage your profile on the WMOA Website, keep it current.
b. Selling your home, list it (Owners Only) in the WMOA Website in Homes Section.
c. Important Notices keep homeowners current on what’s happening
d. What’s happening on the mountain, go to events sections.
e. Local Offers see what the Windham retail community is offering our homeowners.
f. Part-time residence can vote in local elections see process voting rights on website.

7. Friends of Windham Mountain – A great way to communicate with your neighbors and friends and to learn what is happening on the mountain.

New Business

1. WMOA is always looking for additional Board Members to participate in the management and well being of the home owners and their interests. We encourage volunteers to reach out to Nick Pera, chairman of the nominating committee if you’re interested. He can be reached at [email protected]. We encourage individuals with engineering backgrounds to participate.
2. Class of 2023 re-election of: Vincent Angiolillo, Nick Pera, Mary Ellen Gilgan
3. Any new items?

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