Minutes & Budgets

Windham Mountain Member Meeting January 29, 2022

  • Attendees:  (Please note, attendee capture was based Zoom screen names and phone numbers.  If correction is required, please contact Charlie Presti or George Gallate)

    Board: Paul Mutter, Britta Garcia, Charlie Presti, Vincent Angiolillo, Schuyler Winter, Nick Pera, John Lane, Tim Carey, Mary Ellen Gilgan, Joe Gorberg, Dennis Moore, Chis Falkenberg, Steve Miller, George Gallate, Charlie Frankel


    Members: Lisa Hecht, Camel Delaney, Charles Frumberg, Dan JB, Josette and Pentti, Joanne Leslie, Ken Gabel, ‘PMKG iPhone’, Virginia Keeshan, Pamela Gallao, Jim Rotenberg, Paul Garrity, Steve Apolant, P Kellogg, Arin Koornankul, Aaron Hood, Sheryl Sobaro, ‘Peter’s ipad’, Adam Michaels, Dianne Bunce, ‘Howard’s iphone’,  Matt Rodriguez, Justine Buzzetta, Michael Donovan, Megan Macdonald, Maksim, Stephan Effert, Mary Mellor, Darlene Pergola, Patricia Fink, Adam Michaels, Gina Noy, Ural Talgat, Hanna Miller, Chip Seaman (Guest, Windham Mountain), Kevin Kennedy (Guest, Windham Mountain)

    Chris Falkenberg, VP, led the meeting.  Charlie Presti, President, was in attendance, however given he is recovering from illness was not able to talk consistently.

    John Lane moved and Schuyler Winter second, that the minutes of last year’s meeting be accepted.  No one opposed.

    Update on Water Issue:

    Chris gave a high level outline of how the water system worked, as well as ownership, and responsibility for maintenance.  The system is owned by Windham Mountain.  The cost of maintenance is shared by user groups according to usage, with responsibility for this from the Mountain.  The pipes from the curb to each house are the responsibility of the home owner. 

    Charlie Presti has requested Vincent Angiolillo, Nick Pera and Paul Mutter to manage the water supply issue as it relates to WMOA.  They have been active researching the issues with the system and meeting with the Mountain. 

    Chris invited Chip Seaman and Kevin Kennedy to present an update from Windham Mountain.

    Windham Mountain Update – Chip Seaman & Kevin Kennedy:

    Kevin detailed how the water system works and the issues.  Water is pumped from the source at the base to the top reservoir.  This then gravity feeds down through a series of reservoirs.  On weekends, through usage, the reservoirs are drawn down.  Throughout the week, with less water usage from home owners, the reservoirs recharge.  The Mountain pumps water into the system 24 hours a day.

    Several years ago there was an Interconnect made with the Town water supply.  This allows us to increase our recharge rate from 35 to 55 gallons a minute. 

    Given how the system works when there is a break in the line there can be a significant loss of water and therefore service. 

    In past three years, as it is an aging system, we have had four breaks in the main system that has caused loss of service.  In that same period there have been seven breaks in homeowners’ pipes which have caused a loss of water.

    There are already many valves through the system that can be used to isolate breaks.  Adding more will help.

    In that same period there have been six new connections to the system through new houses therefore adding demand.  The Mountain is looking at multiple ways to increase capacity and reliability.

    Others options being looked at are replacing the main lines and increasing their capacity, as well as the possibility of an additional well.

    Chip Seaman addressed other aspects of Mountain operations:

    The Mountain Owners’ investment strategy is focused on improving the overall Resort experience through upgrading of systems. 

    Snowmaking:  The Mountain has already made more snow than all of last season.  They will continue to make snow.  The challenge in all areas this year has been staffing.  Fortunately, part of the Mountain’s investment program has been the ongoing automation of snow making in addition to replacing the pipes feeding the system.  The Mountain will continue to invest in automation as this will allow them to turn on snow making quickly and for shorter windows than previously allowed.   

    They have upgraded the reservation system and are restricting capacity on peak days.  While doing this they are now loading every seat on lifts so they have increased capacity from last year.

    They have upgraded the web site as well as the ecommerce and payment system. 

    There is a vaccine mandate for all staff.  Even with 98% of staff vaccinated every department has had staff out through Covid.  The Snow Sports School has been significantly impacted.

    There was a significant upgrade to what was the CLC.  There are now 500 children going through the Base Camp.  

    There was also an additional ‘Green Groomer’ as part of ongoing improvement to the fleet.

    Season to date total visits are behind this time last season.  People are back at work and school so numbers have dropped a bit.  They are also limiting numbers to 15-20% below peak capacity.  Actions include no more busses or groups on weekends. 

    Chip apologized for the lift challenges of last weekend and advised they’re replacing D Lift this summer with a detachable quad that will allow full download. 

    The Mountain Owners are working on a Resort Master Plan over the next 6 to 12 months.  This includes a possible expansion to the East.  This will also be focused on creating the best user experience possible.  The plan will include inside infrastructure.

    There will be further capital works over the summer including improving the Wheelhouse. 

    There will be summer events through Live Nation.  There will be 4 shows over the first 2 weekends of August. 

    Questions to Chip:

    Q:  What is percentage of season pass day’s vs day passes on weekends?

    A:  Last winter was the first time season pass days exceeded day ticket visits.  It is the same this year.  Windham sold 10% more season passes.  They factor in Ikon passes and local lodging passes.  Approximate volume is 60% season pass, 40% everything else.

    Q:  There has been trespassing over private property to get to ski area. 

    A:  WMOA ski access signs are being installed.  There are a number of entrances.  Pond Lane has been an issue and they are giving extra attention to that.

    (See comments from Chris Falkenberg later in the meeting).

    Q:  Update requested regarding Upper Wipeout lot sales. 

    A:  There have been two sales this year, so six of nine are sold.  Three have homes.  Two have construction.  6th lot no immediate plans for construction. 

    Treasurer’s Report – John Lane:

    Statement was shared.  It reflects activity from dues and expenses and capital expenses.

    The maintenance refund of 2020 was a one off.

    Expenses for the entrance sign and web site were a one off.

    There were no questions on the report.

    Roads Report – Vincent Angiolillo:

    A sub committee was formed, including Vinny, Brita, Paul and Nick.  They did a comprehensive review of roads and drainage. They worked with Kevin, Kyle and Chip making more than 10 visits.  Fast action was taken by the Mountain and their vendor and they accomplished fixes on 80% of issues.  The refund, previously discussed, helped fund the majority of the project.  The committee checked all of the work.  A big difference has already been noted.  The Town is responsible for and will do work from CD Lane down to South Street. 

    If Home Owners are aware of issues please report these ASAP to Vincent at [email protected].

    Real Estate – Nick Pera:

    The committee, based on requests, added solar guidelines.  The WMOA embraces Solar but we want Solar to be done within the aesthetics of the area.  Nick requested all home owners be familiar with the rules and standards and noted they’re on the website.  If any work is to be carried out by home owners, please check the guidelines first.  Please do not do work that does not meet the standards.

    Audit – Britta Garcia:

    A lot of the work for the WMOA is done for us by and charged for by Windham Mountain.  Audit monitors every financial transaction.  All road, water supply, tests and maintenance, security, and billing and admin duties invoices are reviewed. 

    Britta noted that we have a positive relationship with the Mountain and everything works well.

    Given Covid and changing cost dynamics, and what work was done, there was a surplus of $104,000 in 2020.  This money was put into an investment account controlled by WMOA and used in 2021 for roadwork.

    Website and Homeowner Directory on the site – Charlie Presti:

    The site address is www.winhammountainhoa.com

    The site is now robust and current.

    Directory on the site can be used to update your contact information.  Please keep current.

    If you’re selling a home you can post on site.  Only home owners can post, not real estate agents. 

    If you sell your house, please advise the president.  We need to find out who the new owner is. 

    Important notices can be sent from site.  We’ll look into text messaging as well.

    There is a ‘What’s happening’ section. We link to the Mountain for all events.

    There is a content section with important resources and links. 

    Local retailers can put offers on the site as well.

    Kevin Kennedy asked to use the site and email functionality for importance notices.  Charlie offered to post on behalf of the Mountain.

    Local Elections: Home owners were reminded they can vote in local elections, including second home owners.  There’s a section on voting rights on the website.

    Home Owners were reminded of the “Friends of Windham Mountain Group” on Facebook.  .https://www.facebook.com/groups/1515057095312901/


    Trespassing – Chris Falkenberg:

    Chris gave further details on the issue.  It is significant on Pond Lane and Winter Close.  We need to stop trespassing.  They’re private homes, with privacy being damaged.  In addition to the issue of trespassing there’s a pond on Pond Lane that people could fall into. 

    New and Other Business:

    A home owner advised the Instructors are using the Mountain parking lot.  This is a Mountain issue.

    A home owner expressed dis-satisfaction with maintenance services provided by the Mountain to their Condo group.  This is a Mountain issue.

    We need new members for the WMOA board.  We would particularly benefit from engineering support.  We encourage volunteers to reach out to Nick Pera, chairman of the nominating committee if you’re interested.  He can be reached at [email protected].  There was one volunteer from the floor (secretary did not record name but they were directed to get in touch with Nick).

    The following board members were moved and seconded for re-election:

    ·         Dennis Moore

    ·         Chris Falkenberg

    ·         Charles Presti

    ·         George Gallate

    ·         Stephen Miller

    There being no further business from the floor Charlie Presti proposed and Schuyler Winter seconded the meeting be adjourned.



  •                Windham Mountain Owners Association

                         Treasurer’s Report- December 31, 2021

 Cash balance at January 1, 2021:


          Dues account                                                            $213,684.99

          Capital Improvement account                                210,878.20


Total Cash at January 1, 2021                                            $424,563.19


Cash Receipts:

          Maintenance fee refund                         104,115.19

          Homeowner dues                                    33,000.00

          Capital improvement fees                     17,713.00

          Interest                                                           393.73


Total cash receipts                                                             $ 155,221.92


Cash Disbursements:

          WMO Website Development               17,883.00

          Insurance                                                  12,061.39

          WMO Sign                                                4,300.00

          WMO Video                                                 700.00

          Windham Fire Dept donation              2,500.00

          Legal, Printing, Postage, Fees              1,599.14                                                                                                                     

Total cash disbursements                                                    $ 39,043.53


Cash balance at December 31, 2021:


          Dues account                                                               207,641.46

          Capital Improvement account                                 333,100.12


Total Cash at December 31, 2021                                     540,741.58