Windham Mountain welcomes all skiing and riding Santas (Elves and Reindeer are welcome, too)! Kick off the winter holiday season and help us raise money for The Windham Community Food Pantry.

Dress as Santa (Elves and Reindeer are welcome, too) from head-to-toe, make a donation to the Windham Community Food Pantry, and get a free lift ticket for the day (RFID Media is required and may be purchased for $5). Santas will also receive one additional midweek non-holiday lift ticket for the 19/20  season. Space is limited and all skiing and riding Santas are required to pre-register in advance by Friday, December 13, 2019. 

Help us set a record donation for the 10th Anniversary of this great event!

Guests are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to donate to the food pantry as well.

8:00am: Pre-registered Santa check-in at TICKETS & PASSES on the FIRST FLOOR of the base lodge. Please check in by 9:00am. *Anyone not checked in by 9:30am will not receive a day ticket or additional voucher.

9:45am: Santas to meet in base area for donation presentation and a group photo.

10:00am: Group chairlift ride, followed by one group run down a beginner trail.

The rest of the day is yours!

Pre-Registration Required – DEADLINE IS FRI 12/13 –  Register Now