Greetings Windham Residents and Visitors,

The Windham Town Board is thrilled that Windham Hose Company continues its annual tradition of putting on an Independence Day parade on the 4th of July in Windham. Local and neighboring businesses, fire companies, and more parading through our small town would be an encouraging return to the normal that we all need. With this return to normal, we all must continually work together to maintain public health and safety. That is why the Windham Town Board encourages residents and visitors alike to do their best when it comes to following standard guidelines when deciding to go out.

If you are sick, stay home. COVID-19 symptoms include, fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. If you or a family member have had these symptoms please stay home. 

If you have traveled, stay home. If you or a family member have left the tri-state area in the last 14 days please stay home. Police will strictly enforce all travel and health care quarantine laws. 

Respect private property. If you do not have explicit permission to be on an individual’s or business’ property, please respect their right to privacy.

Wear a mask if social distancing is not possible. The CDC recommends, and New York State requires, that anyone unable or unwilling to follow social distancing (within 6ft.) must wear a mask.

Put garbage, including masks and gloves in the trash. We take pride that Windham is a place full of natural beauty, please do not spoil it for everyone with your trash.

Thank you in advance for making the 4th of July in Windham another success.

The Windham Town Board 

© 2021 Windham Mountain Owners Association. All rights reserved.