Windham Mountain Owners Association (WMOA)

Annual Member Meeting Agenda

Windham Mountain Golf Club

January 27, 2024, 3 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 3961 4261
Passcode: 807705

 Note:  Although we are providing a Zoom Link, participants using this link will not be able to interact in the meeting, observe only.  We are limited to the internet that is available at the Golf Club.


  1. Introduction of current Board Members:
Britta Garcia
Charles Presti
Chris Falkenberg
Dennis Moore
George Gallate
John P. Lane
Joseph Gorberg
Mary Ellen Gilgan
Nick Pera
Paul Mutter
Robert Fink
Schuyler Van R. Winter
Stephen Miller
Tim Carey
Vincent Angiolillo


  1. Reading of last year’s minutes


  1. Windham Mountain Club Update (Chip Seaman, Kevin Kennedy, Kristen Leach)
    1. Mountain Accomplishments and Plans. (Alpine Ski Operations)
    2. Water Outages, Supply, Issues and Plans.
    3. Upper Wipeout Lots Status
    4. Questions for the Windham Mountain Club:
  1. “Will the Windham Mountain Club guarantee that all WMOA homeowners, (non-club members), be able to purchase seasonal (annual) passes, and (day passes) for their families, friends and guest in the future and for as long as you own the resort?”
  1. “Does the joining member get any ownership rights with their membership”
  1. “Will the Windham Member Club place membership fees into an escroll account, or use these funds for capital and other business expenses?”
  1. “If the Windham Mountain Club fails and goes bankrupt, what recourse does the Member have with regard to recovering their money?”
  1. “Is the plan that in a few years a significant majority (i.e. >75%) of the skiers on the mountain will be members of the Club? In other words, what will the skiing experience be if you’re not a member?”
  1. “How many skiers does the mountain average on a typical Saturday or Sunday pre-covid and what is the plan for that number in 2-3 years?”
  1. “How many Ski Passes are going to be allotted to the local hotels and retail establishments?”
  1. “Is the mountain not accepting reservations from Ikon pass holders through March?”
  1. “How many spots are there in reserve for Ikon holders, and will the Club continue to honor Ikon Passes in the future?”
  1. “What responsibility does the Windham Mountain Club have when selling Ikon passes to actually honor the pass?”
  1. “Aside from the skiing services and access you get from being a member of the Club, what are the plans for the golf course club members?”
  1. “Is the plan to make it a championship caliber course, to compete with courses like Silo Ridge?”
  1. “Will the $9k annual dues fund both the skiing operation and the golf course, or will there be an additional charge for the golf?”
  1. “Will you allow “Non-Club Members” to join/play at the Windham Golf Course, if yes, will the golf member dues be 50% of the “Club Member’s annual dues?”
  1. “Has the WMC retained Tom Fazio to redesign the golf course or is there only a LOI in place?”
  1. “What are the anticipated annual membership dues to be in 2026+ when additional services are provided?”
  1. “Will WMOA homeowners continue to have unrestricted free access to the mountain in non-winter months for hiking, etc.?”
  1. “Why have the biking trails been eliminated to the public, and are they only going to be accessible to Club Members?”
  1. “Will security patrols continue as currently provided to the WMOA homes as part of our current WMOA fees?”
  1. “The WMOA would like to see the town of Windham flourish and make it an enjoyable place to live and support real estate values. There has been concern about the viability of local businesses due to the proposed Club and mountain changes. Please expand on how the new ownership is working with local businesses to encourage local business growth?”
  1. “It appears, having reviewed the Master Plan Sketch for WMC, that there will be a significant reduction in parking areas. Has a traffic analyses been completed for the proposed changes. Will this lead to overflow parking onto the public streets which are certainly not designed for on-street parking. How will parking needs be addressed?”
  1. “How will these parking changes impact WMOA homeowner’s access to CD Lane Road without causing significant delays?”
  1. “Since the original expansion plan proposal to the Windham town planning board in ~July 2023, how has the WMC plan changed?”
  1. “How many current members does the Club have? How many potential members have signed up, or their decision is pending until the March deadline?”
  1. “How many members does the Club hope to have in 2 years, in 5 years?”
  1. “If we are Club Members, can we incorporate the membership as a part of the home sale so that the new homeowners become the member?”
  1. “If we cancel our Club Membership, we understand that 80% of our initial Membership payment will we be refunded! Are we required to provide a replacement member in order to receive our refund?”
  1. “What happens if the WMC doesn’t reach its desired membership goal?”
  1. “Is the Windham Mountain Club going to offer Corporate Membership now or anytime in the future?”
  2. “Skiers are not allowed to bring their own food into a restaurant that is open to the public. Are you going to offer gluten free options to skiers?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         4.  New Windham Water District: The Town of Windham, The Windham Mountain Club and the WMOA have been discussing the possibility of creating a Water District encompassing the WMOA, East Mountain, Ski Lodge, Seasons, Winter Green, and Enclave. The WMOA has created a committee that has been meeting for more than 6 months identifying the laws, processes, and involvement needed of all entities affected.  We will keep you abreast of how it will affect our home owners, and the benefits/pitfalls thereof.

     5. Treasurers Report (John P. Lane)

Windham Mountain Owners Association Treasurer’s Report

December 31, 2023

Cash balance at January 1, 2023:

Dues account                                                                                        $218,855.39

Capital Improvement account                                                          $301,650.12


Total Cash at January 1, 2023                                                                                $520,505.51

Cash Receipts:

Homeowner dues                                                    $ 32,400.00

Capital improvement fees                                    $ 41,524.00


Total cash receipts                                                                                                    $ 73,924.00


Cash Disbursements:

Roads and drainage                                              $389,250.89

Insurance                                                                   $13,642.43

WMO Website                                                             $1,980.92

Windham Fire Dept donation                                 $2,500.00

Sign Lighting                                                              $1,485.00

Zoom                                                                                $149.90  


Total cash disbursements                                                                               $409,009.14

 Cash balance at December 31, 2023:

Dues account                                                                                                                           $231,247.14

Capital Improvement account                                                                                             ($45,826.77)

Total Cash at December 31, 2023                                                             $185,420.37

6. Reading of reports of officers and committees, 2023 Successes

    1. Road Committee (Vincent Angiolillo)
    2. Real Estate Committee (Nick Pera)

7. Website Review:

    1. Manage your profile on the WMOA Website, keep it current.
    2. Important Notices keep homeowners current on what’s happening
    3. What’s happening on the mountain, go to events sections.
    4. Part-time residences can vote in local elections see sample process voting rights on website.

New Business 

  1. Review of Delinquent Homeowners owing Quarterly Dues ongoing
  2. Review and update of Road Work charges to Homeowners
  3. Review and update of penalties for Homeowners that are not in compliance of the Architectural Rules and Regulations.
  4. Class of 2024 re-election of: Britta Garcia, John P Lane, Schuyler Winter, Paul Mutter, Joe Gorberg, Robert Fink.
  5. Any new items?

Close Meeting

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