PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Windham Planning Board will hold a public hearing on August 15, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Centre Property Church, located at 5379 State Route 23, Windham, NY, to receive public comment on the proposed Windham Mountain redevelopment project. Windham Mountain Partners, LLC (the “Applicant”) has applied to the Town of Windham Planning Board for site plan and major subdivision approval to implement a new Master Plan for development that will include new residential development at the base of the ski mountain, base lodge improvements, expanded adventure center that will offer access to different on-site and off-site recreational activities, and upgrades to the existing golf course and clubhouse. The project also includes proposed changes and expansions of the existing Windham Mountain private membership club and related access restrictions. The total project area includes close to +/- 245 acres spread over 36 tax parcels in the Town of Windham, Greene County. Town of Windham Planning Board has declared itself Lead Agency to oversee the environmental review is required under the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”). This includes a review of potential impacts arising from proposed construction activities and access restrictions and mitigation that has been proposed by the Applicant and incorporated in the project design, including mitigation measures that are intended to maintain long-term public access to the ski mountain. The Planning Board invites all interested members of the public to attend the public hearing to offer comments for its consideration. The Planning Board is in the initial phase of its review and will consider public comments that are received at this hearing prior to making its determination of significance under SEQRA. There will be additional opportunities for public comment in the future as part of the Planning Board’s review of the Applicant’s site plan and subdivision applications. All application documents, including but not limited to site plan concept sheets, Full EAF with supplemental narrative, and supporting studies including wildlife habitat assessments, wetland delineations, correspondence with involved and interested agencies, and related engineering reports, are available for review at the Town Clerk’s office. Interested members of the public are encouraged to attend and comment. The Planning Board will also consider any written comments that are received.

By Order of the Windham Planning Board

Bonnie Poehmel
Town Clerk
Dated: August 1, 2024

© 2021 Windham Mountain Owners Association. All rights reserved.