WHOA members,

We continue to see a high level of interest in Windham Homeowners Association (WHOA) real estate.  The market is very tight, with few homes available for sale.  One of the reasons there is such a keen intertest in our properties, besides location, is the WHOA ensures a balance between the owner’s desire to build and/or improve their homes and having these homes blend into the environment.  This balancing act is accomplished through implementing the WMOA Rules Regulations and Architectural Standards.  When your home was purchased, you should have been given a copy.  The most current version can be found on the WMOA website (windhammountainhoa.com).  Once on the website, click WMO Association, then Regulations.

One of the most common noncompliance standards, are exterior colors.  Besides receiving approval for new construction, every homeowner is required to receive approval for repainting if there is a change in color.  The section which addresses exterior colors can be found in the WMOA Rules, Regulations and Architectural Standards, Paragraph D. Suitable Material Quality and Harmonious Exteriors, paragraph 1. Wall and Roof Colors: “All exterior wall and roof colors of each residence construction shall be finished in earth tones (rich warm colors containing a brownish hue and/or muted greens), which shall to the extent practicable, blend into the landscape.”  You may have noticed there are some homes which are not in compliance.  The board continues to work with these homeowners to agree on a plan which will bring their home into compliance.  Procedures for submitting plans and paint color changes for approvals can be found on the website under WMO Association, Procedures and Suggestions for WMOA Homeowners.

There is also a “members only” section on the WMOA website.  If you have not established your login credentials, go to the website and click on login.  It should take you through the steps to login.  If you have a problem establishing your login, please contact me at [email protected].

The WMOA has an all-volunteer board.  Most of these board members have been in the WMOA for decades and have been working hard keeping the WMOA the desired development that it is.  Compliance with, and adherence to the WMOA Rules Regulations and Architectural Standards will ensure that your property not only fits into the environment but maintains its highest value.

If you have any other questions or suggestions, please contact me at [email protected].

Thank you for your continued support of the WMOA.


Charles Presti

President, WMOA



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