NEW YORK STATE OF Department of Transportation

June 21, 2021

Honorable James Pellitteri
Supervisor, Town of Jewett
P.O. Box 132 Jewett, New York 12444

Honorable Thomas Hoyt
Supervisor, Town of Windham
371 State Route 296, Hensonville, New York 12439

RE: Start of Construction
Route 296 Paving and Drainage Work, County Route 23C to State Route 23 Towns of Jewett and Windham, Greene County NYSDOT Contract D264434


We are pleased to advise you that work is scheduled to begin on the above-referenced project with site prep and drainage repairs this week. Paving operations are currently expected to begin on Monday, June 28,

During construction, there will be alternating one-way traffic controlled by flagpersons in the areas of work. Work hours will be 6 AM to 6 PM. Right now we expect that this effort will take until early August to complete. We will

advise you and the CC list if the pace of progress necessitates a significant change to the expected completion date. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this work, my contact information is as follows:

Bert Ashley
518-545-0689 (cell)
Bert [email protected]

Our apologies for the short time frame of this notice. Route 296 is being paved under a larger project addressing a number of roads, and our contractor has been making faster than expected progress due to good weather and few if any complications encountered in the field.


Bert Ashley
Project Engineer-in-Charge

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