The Town of Windham and Windham Foundation are sponsoring a Sandcastle and Sculpture Contest at CD Lane Park on July 3, 2021 from 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM.

Contestant Guidelines
Patriotic July 4th Design.
Bring your own tools, buckets, & pails Beach sand & lake water use only.
Decorate with materials found in nature.

Registration Required
Return registration form (below) to [email protected] or mail to Town of Windham, PO Box 96 Hensonville, NY 12439.

Important Information
9:00 -9:30 Check-in / 9:30 -11:30 / Sandcastle Build / 11:30 – 12:30 Judging and Winners
Bring sunscreen, bathing suits, hat, beach chairs, towels.
Food & Beverages permitted.
Children must be accompanied by an adult
No Pets & No Litter

Prizes for Winning Sandcastles

Ice Cream Compliments of Hickory Hill Market

Contact: Betty at Town of Windham (518) 734-4170 or email at: [email protected].

Registration Form